marți, 10 noiembrie 2009

In viata primim multe lectii. Pe unele le invatam usor, pe altele mai greu. De ceva timp simt ca invat o lectie aproape in fiecare zi - a devenint o constanta. Poate pentru ca "a iti educa sufletul" nu e nici macar o expresie. Dar in fiecare zi inteleg ca nu intamplator traiesc ceea ce traiesc si ca trebuie sa invat lectia asta pentru a trece mai departe, pentru a marca devenirea mea continua.

N-am sa zic ce lectie, pentru ca ar insemna ca am desavarsit actul cunoasterii sale, or e clar ca mereu o voi invata si trebuie sa o transform intr-un "modus vivdendi".

Este despre a da, a impartasi, a nu pretinde sa ti se cuvina nimic,a primi totul ca pe un dar,despre a nu avea posesii.

Despre a te intregi.

Later edit: An answer: Ironically but " heart wouldn't let me learn."

From here:
Loved hard once, but the love wasn't returned,
I found out the man I'd die for, he wasn't even concerned,
And time it turned,
He tried to burn me like a perm,
Though my eyes saw the deception,
My heart wouldn't let me learn
For, some dumb woman was I,
And everytime he'd lie, he would cry and inside I'd die,
My heart must have died a thousand deaths,
Compared myself to Toni Braxton thought I'd never catch my breath,
Nothing left, he stole the heart beating from my chest,
I tried to call the cops, the type of thief they can't arrest,
Pain suppressed, will lead to cardiac arrest,
Diamonds deserve diamonds, but he convinced me I was worthless,
But my peoples would protest, I
told them mind their business, cause my sh** was complex,
More than just the sex,
I was blessed, but couldn't feel it like when I was caressed,
I'd spend nights clutching my breasts, overwhelmed by God's test,
I was God's best, contemplating death with a Gillette,
But no man is ever worth the paradise,
No man is ever worth the paradise,
And no man is ever worth the paradise, Manifest

Un comentariu:

cristi spunea...

Lauryn e deja motiv repetitiv pe blogul tau! :)