sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009


Incredibly, just as I would put it:

Nothing never happens. Allow letting go of your adictions.

FIINTA is what we should constantly pursue, the state of truely being, in happiness and light.

Suntem lumina.

Mintea alimenteaza Sinele Fals. Sinele Fals are nevoie de framantari pentru a exista, pentru a supravietui. Sinele Fals este un produs al mintii. Inlatura dependenta de minte. Mintea are un reflex obsesiv compulsiv de a nu ramane in prezent, are nevoie de identitate din trecut si de asteptari - mai bune sau mai rele - legate de viitor. Ambele sunt doar iluzii. Nimic nu exista in afara de Aici, Acum. Iar aici si acum exista fiinta, acel nivel profund de constiinta care se afla in spatele mintii, dedesubt, surrounding it from all sides.
Pentru a scapa de dependenta de minte, ai nevoie de un comportament similar inlaturarii oricarei dependente - vointa, putere de concentrare, renuntare la ce acum pare satisfacator, your adictions, pentru ceva care exista cu adevarat. La nivelul nostru profund suntem lumina. Si constientizand aceasta, putem muri inainte de a muri. Eficienta de a lucra cu mintea apare cumva in absenta reflexului ei compulsiv, cand lucrezi la fiecare lucru in parte dedicandu-i your undevided atention, fara emotii si stari ce vin din minte, ci pe fundalul linistei profunde care strabate din strafundul lacului constiintei.

Cand vorbesti, ramai mai mult in tine decat in afara. Ramai ancorat in acel fund de lac adanc care este sufletul si constiinta ta. Care este spatiu in care FIINTEZI, in care exista lumina, impacare, si iubire. Suntem niste fapturi inrobite semanticii. Singura cale de a reconcilia religiile lumii, care in esenta predica acelsi lucru, este sa crezi cu adevarat - in ceva, in orice, in una dintre ele, pentru ca acolo, beyond the supperficial layer of thought, they are all light.

But I guess this tells us there arent too many true believers in the world. Otherwise we would just know. Or rather be.
Practice presencing. Meditate. Sit up straight and breath. Try to disconect from the mind. Continue breathing. you become aware of the centre of warm bright light that exists in your stomach. With every breath taken, the light increses, and your presence becomes more intense - there is silence all around embracing you. No sound of the mind, no hype of emotions. Just an intense and warm bright light is situated under your diafragma and it becomes ever more intense with every breath that you take. You begin to hear the sounds of the environment and see - like you have never heard or seen before. More clear, more bright, more real than ever. Your breath keeps you grounded in your ball of light and every time you breath in your aura becomes more intense. You give this light to the environment around you - the plants become greener and more alive and the reaction of everything that IS, vibrates in your level of energy - this is how you can actually make the world a better place - a very much "now" way to look at things and say - I did this, I did a positive transformation in the world around me, now, this very second.

In a relationship, people often are feeding of each other's FALS SELVES. They come together not in true love - or this one is blinded - but in adiction of each other. They stop following their dreams and start making compromises that they needn't do, allegedly for the sake of the relationship - these will turn into the best excuses that the false self will use as fuel for existence, these will turn into topics for fights and conflicts. I belive in a freedom giving relationship - this can take place between people that have the same level of vibration, that are giving each other freedom, as I belive that freedom equals love. Freedom equals choice, therefor love cannot existe outside the power to chose, even if this means the choice of not chosing to love one, me. It is very clear that this is the only way to go about this.
And I also know that the level of true awareness of a person influences the level of the others, 2 people with different levels of living in the now cannot be around each other, utimately the flow of presence will cause the addicted one to change something, and my belief is that for the better. The points will connect in the future - sooner or later, and it will make so much sense. Presence makes so much sense, indeed. The most beautiful gift God has ever given us - the posibility to BECOME, to die before we actually die, to know God in all its greatness, and this is happening here, now.

Thank you God!

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